{About Morgan}

Hey!  I am Morgan and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona with my husband Simon (isn't he handsome!). We have two beautiful whippets, Jack and Poppy,  but we hope to have a few little people running around the house soon. We just got married in April 2012 and bought our house summer of 2011 so we are settling in to family and married life and loving it!

Full-time I work for the city in finance and accounting, which can get pretty boring, so I like to find lots of things that I enjoy to do in my spare time.  You'll see a lot of cooking and b aking posts and probably a few brag pics of those adorable pups of ours. Anything that allows me to create or plan really draws me in so you'll definitely see some of that!

Have a look around, share some love, and if there is anything you want to see me do or share, let me know!  Leave me a comment or email me at mrsmorgankane@gmail.com.

Morgan x

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