Sunday, August 5, 2012

Date Night

Considering we both had 6 a.m. shifts to look forward to the next morning, we spent our Saturday night out in the afternoon.  But what is there to do in the day when it is blazing hot outside and you actually want to hang out together rather than sit side by side staring at a screen either on the couch or in a movie theatre?  I know! 

An afternoon of playtime at Dave & Buster's!

Trivia, Horse races, Squirt gun races,  Fruit Ninja, and Time Crisis! What fun!

We have been saving up our tickets for a while and this trip we decided to turn them in for a prize. Expecting to only find trinkets and junk, we wandered through the store trying to think of something that was the least junky.  In one little corner we found probably the coolest prize in there: a Retro Handset for your iPhone!  Here I am testing it out in the bar.  Everyone got a kick out of it!  I think I want to use it in the car! So much fun!  I am seriously stoked to have this, though - don't you miss talking on a real phone sometimes?

After we used up all our credits and cashed in all our tickets it was time for some goodies and treats!  We stopped at one of those bulk candy stores and filled up a bag with some gummies, chocolates, and sweets.  It was really cool to see some of the oldies you loved as a kid, like PEZ and the ever cool "Freeze Dried Ice Cream" that Astronauts eat!  Brings me way back.  
Then we ended our afternoon adventure at an English pub for some Scotch Eggs - a first for me!  They were so good!

This was such a great time.  Simon working his new shift of afternoons and evenings off is proving to be awesome!  Hopefully we can get out to do more things together from now on.  :)

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