Sunday, August 19, 2012

Picture Frame Calendar (step-by-step)

A few weeks ago I came across this pin of a picture frame perpetual calendar and was determined to create one of my own.

I have envied all of the perfectly organized command centers out there and see this as a good beginning to our little family of me, my hubs, and our 2 pups. I am very visual and as much as I love my google calendar, something tangible and in your face at home is the best in my opinion. Plus, my husband can refer to this when he forgets my schedule at my second job even though I've told him a few times ;)

So the brainstorming began and yesterday I became inspired to utilize an old frame we had laying around that I picked up years ago from a rummage sale with a great watercolor that just doesn't fit in any of our rooms anymore.

Here is a step-by-step of my creation, using only these materials that I had around the house:
  • An old picture frame with glass front
  • White wrapping paper
  • Tape
  • Monogram and weekday letters (printed from our home computer using Word)
  • Pencil + eraser
  • Sharpee
  • Straight edge from the watercolor painting that was in the old frame
  • Ruler + measuring tape
  • Gluestick
  • Wood stain

Test sketches, playing around with orientation and the elements within the pieces. I started with the original concept, but ended up with my own version.

I stuck with a landscape orientation, mainly because the frame had a built in wire that hung it that way. Rather than "the Kane family," I decided on a simple monogram and then an unstructured space for notes.  Every month is different and I don't really care to write down our chores every month.  Maybe that will be needed when we have children that have their own chores but I think between the two of us we can figure it out in our heads on our own.  I also thought about how I wanted to leave the month space open for possible sketches and sayings pertaining to the current holiday theme.  Mainly, I wanted the canvas to be clean and simple.

Next, I attached the white wrapping paper with masking tape, pulling it as tight as I could.  I also double layered it so the text on the cardboard didn't show through.  Any type of paper, or fabric would do here.  If you opted for fabric, though, you'd have to do your calendar on the inside of the glass and that was just too much commitment for me.  

Next, I needed a straight edge to make my lines.  I measured out my outside corners and then drew line by line, measuring out 3" squares. The days of the week row was only 1" tall, however.  The original artwork that was inside the frame was perfect as it was definitely big enough and was a nice, sturdy weight so it didn't give as I went down the line.

Yes!  Perfect 3x3inch squares!

Next up, the monogram.
I cut out the letter "K" that I printed using Word.  I tried to keep on the black, leaving only a tiny bit of the white in the center to keep it together.

I then pasted it with a glue stick, getting every corner and edge to prevent future curling.

To make sure it was level and centered, I lined it up using my ruler before pressing down every edge.

Looks great!

I repeated this process with each circle representing the days of the week.  I highly recommend this simple version rather than an intricate small letter or word; unless you have stickers, of course.

And the calendar part is done! Next I took the old frame and stained it with a mahogany stain. 
The original frame was unfinished and water damaged, basically sad and blah

Now, it looks finished and richer.

 Here is the finished product, hung on my office wall. So far I love it! Now I want to schedule all kinds of activities! (as if I ever needed an excuse in the past - ha!)

Each entry has a different color, one for myself, another for my husband, plus a few other things. 

I really like how the section on the right for notes and things to remember/do turned out.

I stuck on one of those paper organizers that Post-It makes.  I had it originally just stuck on the wall but putting it here cleaned things up a bit and also filled in the bottom section so I didn't feel pressured to fill it if I didn't have anything to write.

Here is how it fits in with the rest of the items in my office.  What do you think?

Here, have a closer look!

The chalkboard I created using chalkboard paint and the lid to a file box.  It's great for quotes of inspiration or I have also used it for a countdown for our wedding.  On top is an Amazon gift card we received as a wedding gift that we haven't decided what to use it for yet - there is a world of goodies out there!  The books were a gift from my friend Leah for my birthday.  "Don'ts for Wives" filled with century old brilliance on how to be a good wife and "Love Poems" by Pablo Neruda, printed in English and Spanish.

Next are a couple of my floppy hats.  They say home is where you hang your hat and these are so cute I just had to put them on display!

The cork board is filled with coupons, reminders,and a few of my favorite pictures: me and my mom on Thanksgiving last year - a new tradition is I am head chef and she is my assistant!, the best picture in my opinion, of my dad - showing off his huge catch, and me as a toddler with my white blonde hair, osh kosh b'gosh, and first dog, MacMurphy. The ruler is another favorite piece which was hand-painted by my grandmother.  Painting wood crafts was one of her favorite past-times. We have a long line of artists and hobbiests in our family!

Sitting on my desk is a shadow box I put together when I was oh so smitten with my husband in our early days, a cute little owl oil warmer, and a bowl made by my friend, Tom, that keeps keys and now my dry erase markers for the newly added calendar.

The painting that sits on my easel was one of my first oil paintings that I will never get rid of.  I am so proud of this one!  It is a recreation of a Modigliani, one of my favorite artists.

Here is a home for all of our postcards, greeting cards, and invitations - it's been a year full of weddings and babies!

Another favorite childhood photo - too cool me chillin outside the Honolulu Zoo.

And finally, the coolest piece of furniture I own.  This mid-century leather futon was originally my aunt's that she picked out to complete her "Parisian apartment" inspired bedroom in high school.  My grandmother kept it when she grew up and moved out, and it was eventually passed down to me.

I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into my home office and maybe will be inspired to create your own picture frame calendar!  If you do, I'd love to see how it turned out - comment with your personal creation or link up and share your home office space!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are so artistic about your Morganizing. Very inspiring.
